Benefits of each plan

Insight $936 /year

Premium $1,975 /year

Reach students from around the world with your profile page.

Edit your profile page at anytime, include information about your institution & programs, add photos and videos.
Students use EDUFINDME to find institutions that match what they are looking for.

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edufindme plans

Communicate quickly and effectively with students.

When students access your profile page they have the option to send a message, you receive all these messages. Exchange messages with students using EDU-Mail.

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edufindme plans

Turn requests into leads.

Students who request to connect with your institution are added to your network. Once a student joins your network you can contact them and have access to their complete profile.

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edufindme plans

Keep students up-to-date through Global Wall.

Both institutions and students have a Global Wall, it is like a news feed. Students in your network can see your posts and you can see posts that students make.

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edufindme plans

Reach students out of your network with Campaigns.

5,915,878 students around the world have created an EDUFINDME profile, with weekly Campaigns you can reach students that are using EDUFINDME but are not in your network.

edufindme plans

Receive quotation requests.

EDUFINDME receives requests from students for more information and quotations, we match these requests with institutions. On the PREMIUM plan you would receive these request and have the ability to answer and connect with that student.

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$ 936


$ 1,975

Need some help identifying which marketing plan suits you the most? Send us an email at , and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Pourquoi ça marche

See the details on each EDUFINDME marketing plan above and choose the best for you

Technologie intelligente

LES ETUDIANTS disent ce qu'ils recherchent. LES EDUCATEURS font part de leurs offres. EDUFINDME les jumelle en montrant à chacun leurs meilleures correspondances. Nous appelons ceci une utilisation efficace de votre temps et votre investissement.

  • Bien plus qu'un site de production de pistes. INTERAGIR et RECRUTER auprès d'étudiants internationaux de qualité.
  • L' APPLICATION EDUFINDME pour smartphones facilite l'interaction avec les étudiants n'importe où que vous soyez.

Vaste Portée

Plus d'un demi-million de profils d'étudiants. Voir un exemple d'un véritable profil ici.

  • La page Facebook EDUFINDME a plus d'UN MILLION de fans, de loin la plus populaire en son genre.
  • est constamment alimenté par les inscriptions aux événements FPP EDUMedia tout au long de l'année.

Des Etudiants Internationaux de Haute Qualité

EDUFINDME n'est pas un outil pour aider les universités à trouver des étudiants nationaux. Il est axé sur les étudiants internationaux.

  • Chaque étudiant sur EDUFINDME a validé son adresse e-mail et pris le temps de créer un profil complet. En se connectant avec les institutions, les étudiants gardent leurs profils à jour, et s'engagent activement.
  • You can see each student's full profile with information on when, where and what he/she wants to study abroad before you invite them to join your network.

Le site en son genre le plus visité en Amérique latine

Review EDUFINDME's rankings on,,, or any other website metric platform.

  • Consulter d'autres sites d'éducation et comparer les classements, il n'y a pas de meilleur endroit pour se connecter avec les meilleurs étudiants de l'Amérique latine.